• Calle Contarini Corfù, 1016, - 30123 Dorsoduro, Venezia VE
  • (+39) 041 520 3703
  • Seafood hors d’oeuvre

    Mixed appetizer of crustaceans, molluscs and fish, all cooked and cured in the typical Venetian way.

  • Fish soup

    Specialty of the house, the recipe is the same as 40 years ago. It is a slightly spicy soup with tomato, with plenty of crustaceans and molluscs from the lagoon.

  • Bavette alla Busera

    Famous dish typical of slightly spicy sea, the Busara was the typical crock where fishermen used to put the catch of the day.

  • Mixed grilled fish

    Mixed grill of Crustaceans, Molluscs and Pescato of the day: king prawns, monkfish, scampi, sea bass, eel.

  • Spaghetti with cuttle fish / squid (black sauce)

    Typical dish of Venetian cuisine, perfect union between the cuttlefish, typical mollusc of lagoon, and its particular black color, derived from the animal’s own ink.

  • Pizza San Trovaso

    Tomato, mozzarella … and the imagination of the chef who will surprise you with unusual combinations.

  • Grilled seabass

    The sea bass, fish par excellence of the Venetian lagoon and of the Adriatic, filleted, baked and served with fresh seasonal vegetables.

  • Tuna steak and rocket salad

    Delicate dish, fresh tuna is one of the finest fish in the coastal cuisine, served naturally on a bed of rocket and parmesan.

  • Tagliata of duck breast

    The duck is the typical volatile lagoon, chased by the Venetians forever. Very delicate and tasty dish, served with fresh seasonal vegetables.

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